Eva Ford
Jay Chopra

Procter & Gamble Product Design

Minimizing steps in the dishwashing process

Northwestern University
Sponsored by P&G


Human Centered Studio


09/2024 - Present


User researcher &
Product designer



Procter & Gamble collaborated with our Northwestern design team to tackle one of the most disliked household chores. Our mission was to streamline a chore in the kitchen by minimizing unnecessary steps, creating a more efficient and enjoyable experience. By reimagining the task through thoughtful design, we aimed to transform a dreaded chore into a moment of delight, ultimately enhancing satisfaction for consumers.

Shhhh.... its under NDA


Exploring stakeholder needs and the product landscape


Our team conducted initial secondary research to understand current market trends, existing patents, and the competitive landscape. After, we had our first in-home interviews, where we analyzed users behaviors  and unmet needs.
Consumer reflection activity
In-home interviews with 8 consumers
Initial synthesis of insights
Analyze findings to define the problem, goals, and purpose


We synthesized our research to identify key themes, tensions, and actionable insights. From these findings, we developed initial 'How Might We' (HMW) statements to frame opportunities and guide our design process.
Synthesizing our findings
Initial Persona
Initial Journey Map
Ideate solutions and create stimuli for user testing


After developing 'How Might We' statements, identifying key tensions, and establishing design requirements, we began ideating various functions to potentially include in the final product.

We then conducted follow-up interviews with the same consumers, incorporating stimulus rounds to deepen our understanding of the additional requirements needed for the final product. During these sessions, we tested prototypes and gathered targeted feedback to refine our designs further.

Ranking & Sorting Activity

Scenario Activity

Mix & Match Activity

This is some text inside of a div block.


Based on our learnings from research, testing, and interviews, we refined our HMW statements, insights, journey map, and design requirements. This process led us to pivot and explore a new approach that was grounded in research.
Presenting research driven decision choices to P&G stake holders for the Midterm
Test with consumers and Ideate Designs


We conducted consumer site visits with our interviewees to test initial prototypes, gathering valuable feedback on their usability and effectiveness. Based on this input, we did a second round of testing to develop improved prototypes that better addressed user needs.
Testing prototypes with consumers
Prototype brainstorming
Final product, pitch, and presentation

Design & Implement  

We are currently in this stage (: